Avslutningsvis kan jag inte påstå att det känns som om jag gått miste om en svindlande god affär. Det känns som om jag undvikit att inte bli svindlad. Bara priset får ju en att studsa högt. 4700 Euro för en Harley-Davidson 2002 HERITAGE SOFTAIL. Jag tror jag gjort en god affär då jag inte hör av mig längre till MrX. MrX som markerats i blått är fingerat om nu personen skulle vara ärlig och ha ärlig avsikt med sin försäljning. Jag "G" är markerad i vitt. Döm själv vem som är vinnaren? Det är möjligt jag gick miste om mitt livs största affär men det kan också vara motsattsen. Mina tankegångar har jag skrivit i rött.

Dessutom så då jag kollade VIN nummret så var det en hoj som hade historia i USA och hade inte varit inne på service någon gång. Så i min stilla fantasi så undrar jag om HD:n existerar i verkligheten eller om det inte bara precis är ett papper som av misstag lämnat Harley Davidson fabriken.



Mitt avslutande mail till MrX. Han hör nog inte av sig längre.


Hi Mr X!

I will pay you 4700 euro cash to you or to the transport company for the HERITAGE with "fahrzeugbrifen" but only if you do get the bike to Sweden without my money as a found on the CronoLogistics. I got the money I rule the terms. If I not having the mony anymore by sending to the CronoLogistics then they got the terms of agreement and I do not agree to that. My money are mine until I got the bike. Sorry Mr X! It is me who got the money not CronoLogistics. I want a bike but but but... I don't want a bike so much that I would agree to CronoLogistics terms. I was also told by the bank today to not go into agreement as CronoLogistics terms. To many forringer people outside England and Germany has been cheated by sending the money away... hope you understand. If not, it doesn't matter anyway. Go and look at the bike a friend said. That was the best advice I got so far. If I have gone this monday to you instead of writing all this mails then I would have been back now in Sweden with the bike.

I don't want a full week to test the bike. If the bike sounds and look ok to me and the "fahrzeugbrifen" are there, then I make the buisness cash. That is true.

Regards /G



Nu har han sänkt priset från 4700 euro till 3900 euro. En till klocka ringer!


It's listed on motoscout cheaper because I want to find more buyer. The real price is 4,700Eur.
CronoLogistics it's not a ghost company. A lot of peoples are using them because it's the most secure thing over the internet in our days.
So, if you want to buy it, and agree my terms, let me know and we have a deal. If not, I have a lot of interested customers.
Thank you for your time.
Mr X


Det lät inte så från början, tyckte jag.

Det var någon som skulle frakta och ha pengarna då cykeln var här.


Hi again MrX!

I´ve been looking on the site cronologistics and read about the transport and getting the Harley-Davidson 2002 HERITAGE SOFTAIL to Sweden. Well I understand that both you and the cronologistics want a security to transport the bike to me. Thats true.
But this is how l see it. Why do a transport firm want a moneysource when they got the bike in the car. That bike must count as good as the money. So I will not go into that kind of buisness. To big chans for me loosing the money.

If the transportcompany cronologistics or any other transport are arranged (and the Harley-Davidson 2002 HERITAGE SOFTAIL Daten: 1450 ccm, 16.423 km, EZ: 07/02, TÜV: 08/06, schwarz-metallic, Benzin, Beschreibung: This bike has been babied &well maintaned. This bike has HD extended warranty 7 years/unlimited mileage. Expires 3-1-09) are delivered to me. I will pay 4700 euro cash when I got the "fahrzeugbrifen" and the Harley-Davidson 2002 HERITAGE SOFTAIL with me here in Sweden or at my adress, not sooner or later. I will not go into that kind of cronologistics want. There are to many ghostcompany I don't say cronologistics is a ghostcompany but but but. I don't want to be cheated. But I am not silly. If you get the bike delivered to my adress I will pay the bike cash when I see it... So if you know a way of getting the bike to Sweden then I will pay 4700 euro as the price are at mobile.de or 3900 euro cash as the price are at motoscout24, what ever..

By the way, you should keep the service up on your bike the HD.com site claimed on the VIN-number and it looked like the bike was USA sold but that are no problem to me. Just get the bike to me and I will pay cash.

Excuse me telephonebell just rang.
Hope you can read what I write I have no time to check it now I just send it.

Best Regards / G G



Jaha, skicka pengarna till en säkerhetsfond!

Inte bra!

Varningar finns överallt om detta.


Register on click here:


And reconfirm your address:
xxxxx xA
xxxxx Hulemullan
After your registration is done, mail me and I will go at their office and send the bike to you.
Mr X



Undra vad det är han vill jag ska regga och vad det innebär?


What web should I registry on?

Regards / G G


Han vill skicka biken??? Jag undrar jag!


:)) hmmmzz..
ok. Let me know when you register on their web site. but make it fast .

You will receive the bike in 3 days, and I don't think you want to receive it when you will be at work

:)) you will don't have time to ride it. I look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Mr X


Jo det är sant, jag sov hela dagen. Mitt intresse börjar svalna.



I have been sleeping the whole day.
I have free week know start working on saturday evening again.
So I have a copla of days free now. I let you know if and when I registrated on the site.

Regards /G



Vad är nu detta? Slajmar han för mig?


it's every thing ok?
Let me know.
Mr X


Så sant! Var är VIN -nummret?. Nu börjar han tröttna på mig eller?


Stop stop stop Wait!

OK I am interested in your bike but...

I am not registreted on the site. I haven't seen the VIN-number yet and a
copy of the "fahrzeug brief". I don't know your full name or yours adress
and telephone number.

Best Regards / G G


Vad är nu det för en registrering han vill jag ska göra?


Did you register on the web site? if yes, tomorrow I will send the
motorcycle to you.
Mr X


Kan jag lita på svaren jag kommer att få? Egentligen inte!


So far so good, Mr X!

Everything you write in the email, looks OK to me. You can look at me as
the buyer of the Harley.

Two more quest:
I expect, you have fully paid the bike when you bought it?
When I pay 4700 Euro you will look upon this price as a fully paiment
for the bike?
This two quest are a little bit silly, if you answear yes on both and I
don't know what i was expecting. But I have not ever before bought a
bike from an completly unknown person outside Sweden. I just hope you are
relaible becouse I am relaible and you can trust me.

Best Regards / G


Jaha, han verkar ganska schyst och ärlig ändå, klart att jag kan kolla.


Hello G

Yes, I will try to take a pic with the VIN number or I will send the
VIN number to you so you can check my bike. no problem.
I am selling the motorcycle for 4,700Eur. I understand you agree with
the price. Go on Monday and check your bank account and let me know if you
have the funds available to make the deal. Also, I will ask the company I am
working for now which is the account they use to shipp goods. They are using a
third shipping company which protects both the buyer and the seller. I will
pay for the shipping fees.
I will let you know more details on monday, after I have your reply.

Take care, Mr X


Jupp det finns V-Rod i den prisklassen som han säljer sin Heritage för!


Hi again!

Ofcourse I am interested. Not a V-ROD but I am interested of yours
Harley-Davidson 2002 HERITAGE SOFTAIL priced: EUR 4.700 you are
selling. Do you have a registration number or a frame number? I want to check
it up becouse I don't know you.
Probobly there are no problem with the bike but I was recomended by a
friend to check up if I buy a bike outside Sweden.

I live in the very south of Swedenin a little place called Bjärred
and my name are actally Göran but i never use the letter åäö in
international comunication in USA they don't know the letter.

I give you my adress here:

xxxxv xA
xxxxx Hulemullan

My mobile number: +46 (0)xxxxxxxx
probobly you dial from Germany 0046 xxxxxxxx

My home number: +46 (0)xx xxxxxx
probobly you dial from Germany 0046 xx xxxxxx

I work at night one week a head and now on Monday my free week begin.
So we keep in touch this upcoming week and come to a point were we both will
be satisfied to do a buisness. The price of 4700 Euro are ok to me.
I got a mail about sending the bike to Sweden. Was it you who sent
It is OK to send the bike and mabe I don't have to go down to Munchen to
see the bike. If the warenty are OK then it is very good to send the bike. You
mabe can check up how much the shipping coast are on Monday now when you
got my adress. I will go to my Bank on monday and look over my bankaccount.

Best Regards / G G


Aha det är därför han ska sälja Heritagen!


Sorry. I am selling the motorcycle because I want to buy a V-Rod. My
mistake :))
I saw the V-Rod a few hours ago and now I want to sell my harley as
soon as I can to buy this superb V-Rod..
I have for sale a Harley-Davidson 2002 heritage softail. Let me know
if you are interested.
Thank you.
Mr X


 Fattar han inte att jag skulle köpa en Heritage?



Hi again Mr X!

It was this item I was interested in:


It doesn't look like a V-rod to me.

Best regards /G G


Här ringer första klocka!.

Han har nog stoppat in en V-Rod annons själv.

Han visar ärlig avsiktför att kunna ge anledningen till att sälja cykeln billigt!


Hello G.
Yes the motorcycle is located in Munchen. Its a superb V-Rod, no
damages or accidents. Was kept only in garage.
To close this deal safe for both of us, I will use a third party
shipping company. They will take care of the shippement and payment. You
will rceive the motorcycle in 3 days and you will have another 7 days to
test and inspect the motorcycle before they will release the money to me if
you decide to keep the motor. and I am sure you will.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Mr X


Här börjar Historien.

Är säljaren eller jag idiot?

Undra vad det är för web-sidor med i mailet?



Diese Nachricht wurde automatisch generiert.


Herr G G interessiert sich fuer Ihr Fahrzeug mit der
Harley-Davidson 2002 HERITAGE SOFTAIL 4700 EURO


Der Interessent/die Interessentin bittet um eMail-Antwort unter

Dazu wurde folgender Text eingegeben:

Hi Mr X!

I am intrerested in this item:

Harley-Davidson 2002 HERITAGE SOFTAIL
EUR 4.700 how comes you sell it? Are the location of the item in

I live in Sweden!

Best Regards / G G

Sofern Personen auf Grund Ihrer Anzeige zu Ihnen in Kontakt treten,
die um Rueckruf unter einer Telefonnummer mit den Anfangsziffern 0190,
0193, 0900, 01805, 0137 etc. bitten, ist deren Interesse fuer Ihr Fahrzeug
erfahrungsgemaess nur vorgetaeuscht. Denn bei diesen Telefonnummern handelt es sich
um Rufnummern, die pro Gespraechseinheit fuer Sie erhebliche Kosten
verursachen koennen. Dasselbe gilt fuer Rufnummern, die auf eine Agentur oder
auf umgeleitete kostenpflichtige Nummern verweisen.

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